Hedgehog Studio, an acclaimed aftermarket reel tuning company from Japan, specifically designed the AIR bearing to offer increased bearing rotation capacity for more manageable and long-distance casting with bait finesse reels when using ultra-light lure weights. Featuring Hedgehog Stuido’s AIR stainless steel micro bearings, the Kattobi Spool Bearing Kit includes two micro bearings for upgrading stock spool bearings. Featuring stainless steel micro bearings housed in an aluminum housing, the overall bearing weight is decreased, and when adequately lubed, these bearings are nearly silent.
This kit includes two “3mm X 7mm X 3mm” Air bearings for Shimano BFS reels.
2016 Shimano Aldebaran BFS
2017 Shimano Scorpion BFS
2017 Shimano Conquest BFS
2021 Shimano SLX/Curado BFS
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